After a hiatus of many years from this blog, I have decided to resurrect it like the phoenix from the flames and use it as an outlet to talk about more drivel.
So, what do I want to talk about? As the title suggests, it's got to be music I guess as it's my main hobby and passion and something that I like to think I know a weeny bit about. Plus I drone on about it quite a bit so maybe if I write it down it will make more sense...
I suppose like all good fairy stories I should start at the very beginning. Why do I love music so much? Well, I was brought up surrounded by music. My dad was a DJ in his younger days and my mum always had music on when we were in the house or car. Both myself and my brother have grown up loving all types of music and I would say it's always been a passion for both of us.
I used to play the keyboards and organ when I was younger and always wanted to study music at school. Alas, my talent was overcome by the fact that I was actually a bit crap so despite my best efforts I was never going to be a musician. Oh, the tragedy...! I had to study drama instead and to those who know me, what a joke that was! Sandra Bullock I ain't!
Anyway, back to the story. I was brought up listening to music from the 60s and 70s and grew to love all types of music. In fact I sometimes wish I'd been born in the 60s so I could have grown up properly in the 70s when it was all happening in the music world. Some of the bands I loved when I was younger (and still do now) were big hitters in the 70s and it would have been amazing to see Queen starting out or The Eagles before they split. I was actually a child of the 80s so bring on the electro, Stock/Aiken & Waterman manufactured bands and everything cheesy! It was an amazing time in the UK and it brought me my first proper love in the music world who is actually still one of my heroes now - Rick Astley. What a voice that man has and he is still belting out the notes now to huge crowds. I spent an enjoyable time watching him a few months ago, and despite catching the worst cold I've had in years (it was an outdoor event) it reminded me that if something or someone is good, it stays with you. Plus I am usually right about spotting talent!
Over the years I have dabbled in listening to lots of bands, but I came to the conclusion recently that my main love seems to sit with rock music. Rock takes on many forms (prog rock, heavy rock, acoustic etc.), but the music that generally gets me moving has awesome guitars, amazing drums and vocals to knock your socks off. I spent a pleasant afternoon a few weeks ago listening to Kerrangs all time greatest rock songs, and I was surprised to note that I did in fact love most of them. Stranger things happen at sea...
Any-hoo, I'm wrapping up this post now so I can continue with the lecture as we go on. Whether you join me or not remains to be seen, but I will have more to say on this subject, believe me!
So I'll leave you now with the tracks that have been on heavy rotation on my iPod this week:
'Looking for the Magic' by Dwight Twilley
'Only the Strongest Will Survive' by Hurricane #1
'Underdog (Save Me), by Turin Brakes
'Breakeven' cover by Jocelyn
'The Phoenix' by Fall Out Boy
Stayed tuned for more coming soon.